I know that in the false ecomony we live in today, that many of us have been led to believe that economics is the basis on which we exsist as a country. If we take a short amount of time and look back at real historical events of the founding of America, we would be amazed at the findings! (
http://www.wallbuilders.com/) That being said, and hopefully researched by the reader, leads me to why I am writing about this controversial issue. Why does is matter if our food contains genetically modified organisms, or why does it matter if our meat is raised in confinement houses, or why does it matter if our food is ripened on the vine verses being ripened by gases? I believe that these links have more than enough information availiable for the person that is interested in what's best for themselves and their families. So why did I bring up the "economics" factor? It's simple, good stuff cost more! We all know that, right? Cars, houses, vacations, employees, etc... Sometime in the early 1900's, I believe, individuals with politcal control motives ( I know, sounds c-theory-ish) realized that since we were founded on moral convictions that originated from God's law, and practiced by God fearing, Jesus believing, Holy Spirit having initiators, that power would never be able to be had by smaller groups. The power would be in the hands of the people, again, who had moral convictions that originated from......(same as before). How do you control moral convictions? Well you can't, unless your God, and this War that we are in is still proof of that! Terrorism is an idea or lack of moral conviction, you can't fight it. So what did they do? Focus on the money, economics! That's the key. Depression, rewrite history using biased deceptions, you know leave out what you don't want everybody to know! Well a good job was done, and our school system flourished because parents had no choice but to go to work, cuz after all "the farm wadn't payin' tha bills!". With the school system flourishing, they had the answer; get them while they are young, teach them what we want to teach them! After they got most everyone to believe the whole economics thing, out of fear might I ad, they now had the perfect scenerio. "Now we can control the food!" Sounds like a horror movie, too bad it's all true! "He who controls the food, controls the world!" Well in case your still wondering what this is about, or if its true, research for yourselves, it's easy to find! In case your also wondering why this is of interst to me, well...... read this again!