Well yesterday was yet another great Wilkes County experience. We became "Cattle-Sale-ians". For those of you who do not know what i am refering to, I will try to bring you up to date. First of all, the most commom saying at this flea-market type sale is ; "I gave $45 for that, but you can have it fer $2.!" Right. Anyhow, we were neglegent and let our dog get pregnant, anyhow she had 6 cute little puppies, which every farm should experience at least once, the kids loved the whole process! Cool stuff. Well the puppies were at least six weeks, and weaned so since it is apparently my "responsibility" to dutifully take care of this situation, the boys, a couple of their friends, and myself loaded up the truck on a beautiful 18 degree frosty morning with 6 cute,lovable adorable, you gotta have one puppies! When we arrived, it was croweded with 3 people, so we went ahead and tried to break ties without crying, and give the puppies away to a loving, caring home. The boys jumped in the back of the truck, pups in hand, and began yelling to the crowd as he passed by "freeee puppppiesss!!" "Your bestest inside dog ever!". That was fun, and definately worth a picture, but no camera in hand. Anyhow all was going well, for about 2 hours (no one took any yet) and for lack of a better description, "Rainman" showed up with a buddy. It was extremely interesting! He was very nice and proceeded to tell us about how he "reallywantedtogetonebutiliveinaapartmentandwecanthaveadogyouknowwhatimeanmanireallywantonebutohtheyaresocuteandiwantone
buticanthaveoneyouknowwhatimean" . Whew, what a mouthful! After about 15-20 minutes of that he decided we needed help. "FREEEEEEEE PUPPPPPPIIEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!" Louder than I have ever heard. Everyone in town heard! It was pretty good. I couldn't leave Cory out of this excitement, so i called her up. "Who is screaming that ?" she asked! "We have some help!" I said. It was a blast! Anyhow, we walked around after that, no one was interested, so we ate lunch. After we warmed up a little, we were waiting on a friend, so Keaton decided to try one more time. Well, 20 minuted later, all the puppies were gone! Amazing! We shed tears, and headed home! What a day!
"I miss the little black one!" -Sky