Sunday, March 7, 2010


We were finally able to start planting yesterday! This has been an unusually cold and long winter for those of us with California and Texas blood! We are getting through it though. Most of our onions are in now, and we also did some spring garlic. The day was so nice, about 65 with full sun, we were loving it! The nights are still a bit cold, so we have to be creative with the wood stove! Today we are going to put in some more asparagus, which is a little time consuming, but well worth it. We should have a few other things that we can plant outdoors as well.
First garden spot, ready for planting...about 1/2acre, make sgreat sweet potatoes!

Chicken tractors waiting to be occupied, and a little letttuce in some hotboxes.
Kiddos prepping the garlic for planting, we get a lot done with this workforce!

Cory and Cedar planting onions

Fischer picking a few random weeds, he's a "workin' man"


Cory and the younger kids planted over 1500 onions, and the older ones and I made 7  65' long "beds"
We hope to plant a little more intensively this year, its a lot of work, thankfully we have the tractor for tillage. 

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