Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In the name of ED SCHULER?????

First of all, if this is offensive to anyone, I think I apologize, meaning I hesitate to apologize for something that I have no harmful intentions. Okay, last night at dinner we all sat down and I was ending the prayer with "In the name of Jesus, amen". Immediately, Skylar says "I started praying in the name of Yeshua". It sorta stopped us for a second because although we do not disagree with others that do that, we have never ended prayer that way, so I was explaining what I thought about it to him, and Journey, with a puzzled look (in her very loud, dramatic Journey way) yells questionably "In the name of Ed Schuler????" What a laugh we all had!

Jewel found a rubber band...

Headed down to the dam...

The dam works...
Now they have a swimming hole...

The makers of the dam...

Purslane is about ready...

We had to transplant this Kale, it looks good so far...

New lettuce transplants, Red Butterhead...

A little rainy day production, looks big to us....

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