Today is the day after our momentous task of processing. It is amazing the things you learn and how you learn them. Sometimes we get in huge binds, but we learn a huge lesson, other times, not so big. Yesterday, as far as the processing world goes, was a sort of big one. Nothing "serious" or bad happened, but a huge lesson for me was learned. We processed 190 chickens, and 10 huge turkeys. It was a blast, sort of. The good news is that it is done, and I suppose there is no bad news thankfully, other than I can barely use my fingers to type! Some really good friends spent the day, and part of early this morning with us, which is the only way it could have been accomplished! All of the kids worked together really well, so over all it was a memorable and fun day! That being said, we have a lot of chicken available, whole and cut up. We also have turkeys ready for those of you that requested them. I suppose the only way to do the turkey is to list the weights and fill request in the order of returned emails. I have one set aside for "couple in Millers Creek" so have no fear! We also have a lot of the carcass's (couldn't find a neater word, sorry!) available, from the cut up birds, for soups/broth, but they will need to be picked up by Tuesday, as we will not be freezing them. They still have a fair amount of meat on them, enough to make a great broth or soup! This week we will have no extra produce outside of the CSA memberships (go CSA's!), but fall crops are in and growing! Our market in Clemmons is going well, and we are excited about the potential. Tonight will be our second Monday, so if you get a chance come out and support whats going on if you happen to be in the Winston area! Sadly, blueberries are finished for the season, unless something miraculous happens!
Whole Chicken - $3.00/lb.
Chicken Breast - $8.00/lb.
Legs/Thighs/Wings - $3.50/lb. (packaged together)
Whole Turkey - $3.50/lb (2 unaccounted for so far)
Broth/Soup Carcass - $3.00/each
Here are the weights of the turkeys: (being held aside for those of you that made early request, and the price will be $3.00/lb) -
18 lb. - 3
22 lb - 3
I am going by memory on these weights, but they are in that ball park! Outside is too far away for my tired legs!
Please make arrangements soon to pick up your turkeys, we are slim on freezer room. There are a few that will be refrigerated for the next few days, then put in the freezer as well. Chickens are in the process of being froze, so if you would like one not frozen, now is the time to get one! (we have noticed no difference in taste, just a little more planning needed)
Have a good week, and enjoy the cool nights!
Oh, and the lesson learned was to not do that again! Spread it out over a several week period!