Monday, August 16, 2010

Day # 2!

All is well with baby Glory! She is growing fast, and I think she is saying daddy or something close anyway! What a smart girl we have! Her first attempt at the dishes was a flop, but what do you expect from someone who can't even hold her head up yet! Actually, she is very well rested and sleeping a lot. Cory is recovering very quickly, which makes it harder to remember to rest, but we are keeping her down the best we can! The kids and friends have stepped in and provided a ton of help! I always love having a new baby or birthday, it always seems to draw people to our place, even during the busyness of summer, which is always a blast!
     Now, for a tid bit of unasked-for advice. How do you teach your children to not volunteer unasked-for advice? Well, the easiest way is by example! Naturally we all like to give advice to others. Why is this? It probably has something to do with insecurities, or maybe even just the desire to teach others what we know, or maybe even just to keep others safe. The problem with unwanted or unasked-for advice is that it is usually not accepted, in fact it usually causes some sort of division, due to the lack of trust or even respect that is portrayed, and maybe even more importantly, it keeps people from growing up (hmmm, maybe that's why so many children grow up to be, well, followers.?.)! So how do we give this advice? Wait to be asked! Weird answer, but if you think about it, it makes a ton of sense, sorta like the pearls before swine thing. We take in what we really want to know. This is another way! You see, no one is forced to read this, or a book that I may write someday about how great I am (right). We have all been exposed to or on the other end of unwanted advice, and it is not fun! As parents, we strive to teach our children how to be capable adults, that are likable (with in reason, no compromising involved). It always saddens me to meet an adult, that is much older than myself, that continues to give unwanted advice. Maybe, just maybe I should give them the same unwanted advice and let them know why they are having such a hard time making friends after 50 years, nahh, that would not do...I'll will just wait, and maybe they will read this!
Newly lifted sweet potatoes...

Cute Emmons feet...

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